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Notepad Online

Create notes online with our free online notepad. Our robust text editor helps you immediately record your text and allows you to download them. Start creating Notes Now!

Cursor Position:

Line 1, column 0

Status bar:

Chars 0, Words 0

Notepad Online - Free Wordpad Online to Create & Share Your Notes

Our text editor online provides you a go-to place to immediately write down your ideas and links, create to-do lists, write plain texts, create class notes, or note down other significant texts. This efficient text editor online has multiple functionalities to format your text according to your requirements. It also provides you with the support to save your text later.

Functionalities of online notepad include:

  1. Free Online Editpad: Our edit pad is online & free to use the tool.
  2. No Login Required: You do not require any login to use our online notepad.
  3. No Installation Required: Unless many other notes are taking apps, you do not require any installation to use this free online notepad.
  4. Word & Character Count: The online notepad immediately checks the number of words and characters in your text. Word & Character Count
  5. Upload File: Our online Wordpad lets you upload files directly from your device. The tool supports TXT, JSON, HTML, XML, CSS, BSON, SQL, and PHP formats. upload file
  6. File Save: You can use the "Ctrl+s" command or "File > Save" to save the text in the "txt" file format. save file
  7. Text Editor: The notepad online provides complete text editor functionalities with comprehensive formatting options. Go to "View > Preferences" for the AutoSave, Text lines, Dark Mode, Font Size, Font Family, & Font Weight options. text editor
  8. Full Screen: Our notepad online allows you to take notes by expanding the tool to the whole screen. You can press "Alt+x" or click the button to go full screen.. full screen
  9. AutoSave: The Text Editor online allows you to save text whenever you make changes. Go to "View > Preferences" for AutoSave. In that case, if you open multiple tabs for note saving, and by mistake, you close any tab. On reopening, your data will not get lost. auto save
  10. Compatible with All Devices: The user interface of our notepad is simple and designed to be compatible with all devices (PC/Tablets/Smartphones).

Users of free Online Notepad

This online text editor can be used by:

  • Students: to take their notes while in online or physical classes. Students can also utilize this text editor in any discussion to note the important points or express their POV.
  • Job Professionals: to take notes while in any meeting or while listening to their seniors. This handy tool is just a click away to help you.
  • Entrepreneurs: to immediately note down their ideas or make a to-do list for their daily tasks.
  • Bloggers & Writers: to write down their posts even if the content is too long. This free text editor is here anytime available for usage.
  • Teachers: write down the important concepts while lecture preparation to explain them clearly to their students.
  • Financial Experts: to write down complex equations and turn them into simple solutions by solving them immediately if you are missing some pen & paper.
  • Common Man: to write down the plain text, to write down their ideas, to express their thoughts, and to make their task lists.
Operation Shortcut key Description
New   File > New File
Open Ctrl + O Open Text File From Hard Disk
Save Ctrl + S Save Text to Current File in Hard Disk
Save As   Save Text to New File in Hard Disk
Print Ctrl + P Print Text
Cut Ctrl + X Copy and Delete Selected Text
Copy Ctrl + C Copy Selected Text
Paste Ctrl+V Paste Text That Was Cut or Copied
Delete Delete Delete Selected Text
Select all Ctrl + A Select All Text
Undo Ctrl + Z Undo Last Editing Change
Redo Ctrl + Y Do Again Editing Change
Zoom out   Decrease Font Size
Zoom in   Increase Font Size
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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Notepad Online free to use?

The notepad provided by DNSChecker.org is a free online tool. You do not require any signup/login or payment to perform your task.

How to delete my current text in the text area?

To do so, go to "Edit > Select All" to select all the text. Or, if you want to choose a particular text, you can also do that. After selecting the required text, go to "Edit > Delete" to delete the text.

How to switch from the current draft to the new draft?

If you want to open another notepad window in your browser, go to "File > New File" to switch from the current draft to the new draft.

Can I restore my text (draft) if I use the "Private Mode" in my browser?

Our online wordpad stores the cookies in your browser's local storage. The files are not saved or restored if you use your browser's Private Mode or Incognito Mode.

How long will my draft be available?

It depends upon the browser you use. Famous browsers like "Google Chrome," "Apple Safari," "Opera," and "Microsoft Edge" with default settings will save your draft unless you clear your browser's "Local storage."

What is the maximum size of the text the notepad online supports?

It depends upon your browser's local storage because the text is stored in your browser on your device. Our online notepad tool will notify you if the browser's local storage limit crosses.

Can I save my text as a ".txt file" on my device?

Yes, you can save that through our online notepad. For that, go to "File > Save" if you want to give a name to your File. If not, go to "File > Save As" to save the new File to your device.

Is my data saved in the Online Notepad secure?

DNSChecker ensures data security and privacy. Feel free to use this tool without any worry about data security.