DNS records and worldwide DNS propagation checker

Binary Translator

Use this binary code translator to convert binary to text. Enter or Paste your binary string into our tool and get the translation in seconds.

Character encoding optional
Enter Binary Code Here:
Result Text:

Binary to Text Converter - Translate Binary Code to Text

Our binary code translator is used to convert binary code into text. There are different encoding systems that you can select to convert the binary code to, such as Unicode, UTF-8, UTF-16, Windows 1252, and so on.

How to Use Our Binary Code Translator?

Using our binary translator requires the following steps:

  1. First of all, open our binary translator.
  2. Then, choose the encoding system that you want to convert the binary text to. By default, ASCII/UTF-8 is selected, and this is the standard for normal English texts. (This step is optional, and you don’t necessarily need to perform it.)
  3. Once you have entered the binary code, click on the “Convert” button, and the translated text will appear.

Note: Enable the “Live Mode” by clicking on the option below to perform the conversion in real time without pressing the “Convert” button. 

How to Upload and Download Files When Using Our Binary to English Converter?

Using our binary to text tool, you can upload files to make the process more efficient.

  • You can upload a BIN (Binary) file from your local storage to the tool to import the data quickly. To do that, simply click on the “Open Binary File” button and select it from your device.
  • You can also upload a TXT file from your device. Click the “Open TXT File” button and pick the required one.
  • Once you are done converting the binary code to English text (or any other language), you can download it to your device as a TXT file. To do this, click on the small download icon under the output field.

Features of Our Binary Translator

Our Binary to English Tool Supports Different Types of Character Encoding Methods

With our binary to English tool tool, you can convert binary to text using different character encoding methods. For example,

  • You can simply go with the ASCII/UTF-8 default selection to translate the binary to normal text.
  • You can also select an encoding method for a specific language, such as binary to Unicode, EUC-KR (Korean), or GB 18030 (Chinese).

And so on.

There is a full list that you can access by clicking on the drop-down menu at the top of the binary translator input/output box.

Our Binary to Text Converter Provides “Live Mode” for Quicker  Conversions

If you have a lot of binary codes to translate, clicking on the “Convert” button after entering the code can take up a lot of time.

You can enable 'Live Mode' to enter codes directly into the input field and instantly receive the translated text in the output box.

Our Binary to English Translator Is Free to Use and Requires No Registration

Unlike other online tools and utilities, our binary translator does not require any sort of payment or subscription to use. You don’t have to sign up or register using your email address or a username.

What is the Binary System?

The binary system is a system that utilizes combinations of 1’s and 0’s as a method of relaying messages containing letters and numbers. The binary language is typically associated with computers as it is the language they use to understand and process human inputs.

Here are some examples of binary code combinations and the letters that they represent:

  • 01001000 represents the letter H
  • 01000001 represents the letter A
  • 01000101 represents the letter E
  • 0101011 represents the symbol +
  • 01001000 01000101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00001010 represents the word “Hello”
  • 1001001 1001100 1101111 1110110 1100101 1011001 1101111 1110101 represents the word “ILoveYou”

The binary system is learned by students of computer science. Outside of that, it is simple general knowledge that people sometimes make use of when sending messages to one another.

Here on DNSChecker.org, we also provide a number of other similar online tools, including a Morse Code to Text Converter and Punycode Converter. Try them out for free!


What does the “Clear” button do in your binary to text translator?

If you click on the “Clear” button, both the fields of binary to English tool will be reset, and you can start over with a fresh batch of binary code.

Can this binary code converter be used to convert text to binary as well?

No, our binary to text translator is only for changing 1’s and 0’s to text and not vice versa. If you want to convert English to binary, you can access the specific tool that we offer on our website for this purpose.

What should I do if the binary code translates to small question marks (errors)?

This usually means that the binary code you have entered is not valid and does not have a proper translation. It could also mean that the code has to be translated using a different encoding system than the one you have selected.

Table of Binary, Decimal, ASCII, and Hexadecimal values

Binary Decimal ASCII Character Hex
0 0 NUL 0
1 1 SOH 1
10 2 STX 2
11 3 ETX 3
100 4 EOT 4
101 5 ENQ 5
110 6 ACK 6
111 7 BEL 7
1000 8 BS 8
1001 9 HT 9
1010 10 LF 0A
1011 11 VT 0B
1100 12 FF 0C
1101 13 CR 0D
1110 14 SO 0E
1111 15 SI 0F
10000 16 DLE 10
10001 17 DC1 11
10010 18 DC2 12
10011 19 DC3 13
10100 20 DC4 14
10101 21 NAK 15
10110 22 SYN 16
10111 23 ETB 17
11000 24 CAN 18
11001 25 EM 19
11010 26 SUB 1A
11011 27 ESC 1B
11100 28 FS 1C
11101 29 GS 1D
11110 30 RS 1E
11111 31 US 1F
100000 32 Space 20
100001 33 ! 21
100010 34 22
100011 35 # 23
100100 36 $ 24
100101 37 % 25
100110 38 & 26
100111 39 27
101000 40 ( 28
101001 41 ) 29
101010 42 * 2A
101011 43 + 2B
101100 44 , 2C
101101 45 2D
101110 46 . 2E
101111 47 / 2F
110000 48 0 30
110001 49 1 31
110010 50 2 32
110011 51 3 33
110100 52 4 34
110101 53 5 35
110110 54 6 36
110111 55 7 37
111000 56 8 38
111001 57 9 39
111010 58 : 3A
111011 59 ; 3B
111100 60 < 3C
111101 61 = 3D
111110 62 > 3E
111111 63 ? 3F
1000000 64 @ 40
1000001 65 A 41
1000010 66 B 42
1000011 67 C 43
1000100 68 D 44
1000101 69 E 45
1000110 70 F 46
1000111 71 G 47
1001000 72 H 48
1001001 73 I 49
1001010 74 J 4A
1001011 75 K 4B
1001100 76 L 4C
1001101 77 M 4D
1001110 78 N 4E
1001111 79 O 4F
1010000 80 P 50
1010001 81 Q 51
1010010 82 R 52
1010011 83 S 53
1010100 84 T 54
1010101 85 U 55
1010110 86 V 56
1010111 87 W 57
1011000 88 X 58
1011001 89 Y 59
1011010 90 Z 5A
1011011 91 [ 5B
1011100 92 \ 5C
1011101 93 ] 5D
1011110 94 ^ 5E
1011111 95 _ 5F
1100000 96 ` 60
1100001 97 a 61
1100010 98 b 62
1100011 99 c 63
1100100 100 d 64
1100101 101 e 65
1100110 102 f 66
1100111 103 g 67
1101000 104 h 68
1101001 105 i 69
1101010 106 j 6A
1101011 107 k 6B
1101100 108 l 6C
1101101 109 m 6D
1101110 110 n 6E
1101111 111 o 6F
1110000 112 p 70
1110001 113 q 71
1110010 114 r 72
1110011 115 s 73
1110100 116 t 74
1110101 117 u 75
1110110 118 v 76
1110111 119 w 77
1111000 120 x 78
1111001 121 y 79
1111010 122 z 7A
1111011 123 { 7B
1111100 124 | 7C
1111101 125 } 7D
1111110 126 ~ 7E
1111111 127 DEL 7F