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Open Graph Checker

With the Open Graph checker, preview and generate open graph meta tags. Enter the URL and discover how your website is perceived by search engines and social media.

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Meta Data

This information will be displayed on Google and social media

Recommended length: 60 characters 0/60

Recommended length: 155 - 160 characters 0/160

Recommended dimension: 1200 x 630

Meta Tags

Add these meta tags to your website.

<!-- HTML Meta Tags -->
<meta name="description" content="">

<!-- Facebook Meta Tags -->
<meta property="og:url" content="">
<meta property="og:title" content="">
<meta property="og:description" content="">
<meta property="og:image" content="">

<!-- Twitter Meta Tags -->
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
<meta property="twitter:domain" content="">
<meta property="twitter:url" content="">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="">

<!-- Meta Tags Generated via dnschecker.org -->




Opengraph Checker - Open Graph Preview

Open graph checker or og tag checker is a tool that checks the OG (open graph) titles of a published website.  With this tool, you can check whether the OG tags of a website are correct or not. You can also see a preview of the website as it would appear on Facebook and X with its current tags (when shared).

How To Use the Open Graph Checker

To use the open graph checker, follow the given steps.

  • Navigate to the URL of the open graph tester tool
  • Enter the complete URL of the web page, including the “https://”
  • Click “Submit.”

A preview of how your website will appear on Facebook and X will be given on the right. The site's existing metadata, such as its meta title, meta description, and image, will also appear.

Beyond that, the OG tag checker will also give you more metadata to make your site appear better on websites like Facebook and X.

How Does the OG Image Checker Work?

The OG image checker works by navigating to the URL of the provided website and checking its HTML code. HTML code is not hidden, and anybody on the client side can access it.

An open graph validator scans the HTML code of a web page and checks it for OG tags. OG tags use the “og:” prefix.

Our OG checker verifies the OG tags by checking for the following things.

  • OG Title Tag: Our tool checks whether the title is of an appropriate length. The recommended length is 60 characters. More than that, the text will be flagged.
  • OG Description: Our tool checks the description for the total length as well. The recommended length is 160 characters. Any text longer than that will be flagged.
  • OG Image: Our OG image checker also checks the image's dimensions in the image tag to see if they comply with best practices. The ideal size of the image is 1200 x 630 pixels. More or less than that can cause issues.

The open graph tester will provide suggestions on how to add all missing tags and even provide HTML code for them. That is a very convenient feature for users.

What is an Open Graph?

Open Graph is the name of a protocol developed by Facebook (Meta). In Open Graph, you add open graph tags (OG tags) to the HTML of a web page.

These OG tags dictate how that webpage will appear on Facebook when its link is shared as a post. Some common OG tags used in the Open Graph Protocol are given below.

  • og:title

This tag controls what the title of the web page says in the preview. It is important to write an engaging title that hooks the viewers.

  • og:description

This tag controls what the description of the page will say in the enhanced preview. Write a short and concise description to ensure that viewers can read before it gets cut off.

  • og:image

This tag contains the URL to an image that is shown in the preview. Make sure that the image follows best practices for dimensions.

When a web page link is shared on Facebook with these tags added, the platform provides a rich preview of the web page that can boost engagement.

Due to the effectiveness of the OG protocol, other platforms like LinkedIn and X also use it. So, it is worth it to use the OG protocol.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What happens if I don’t add open graph tags to my web page?

If you don’t add Open Graph tags to your web page HTML, then platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and X will not show an enhanced preview of your web page. Instead, a plain old link will be shown.

This can potentially cost you traffic because plain links are unappealing, while a preview is interesting and engaging.

How do you add Open Graph tags to WordPress?

To add Open Graph tags to a WordPress website, you need to use a plugin such as Yoast SEO or AIOSEO. You can add OG tags through the plugin interface.

Which platforms support OG tags?

The following platforms support OG tags:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Slack
  • WhatsApp