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Domain Checker

Find the availability of any domain online with our domain checker. Enter the domain name that you want to purchase and find out whether it is taken or available.

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Introducing Our Domain Name Checker

Our domain name checker allows you to check the availability of domains on the internet. You can type the name of any domain and see if it has already been taken by a website or if it is available to be registered.

This tool is very useful for website administrators and webmasters who want to create a new website. Before creating a new website, it is important to check whether the domain is available or not.

What TLDs Are Covered by Our Domain Availability Checker?

The word TLD stands for Top Level Domain. TLDs include the suffix that is attached at the end of a website name, such as “.com” or “.net,” etc.

Our domain availability checker tool is able to check your provided domain name against a number of different TLDs, including:

  • .com
  • .net
  • .org
  • .io
  • .co
  • .app
  • .pk
  • .uk
  • .asia
  • .za
  • .au

And so on.

You can enter any domain name with any TLD, and our tool will be able to run the domain search.

Is Our Domain Checker Better than Namecheap or GoDaddy?

Namecheap and GoDaddy are two platforms that provide hosting and domain name services. Amongst other tools, they both provide an online domain checker that can be used to see the availability of domains on the internet. Other platforms, such as Hostinger, also provide this service.

However, when it comes to comparing the domain search feature, our tool is better than Namecheap, GoDaddy, and Hostinger.

Why is that? Here are some of the reasons:

  1. First of all, our domain check tool can check the provided domain name against a large number of TLDs. When you enter a domain name (such as ABC), our tool will provide a long list of possible domains with various TLDs (such as ABC.com, ABC.net, etc.). The benefit of the extensive domain name list is that you can find other suitable ideas even if your first option has already been taken. Although the other platforms also show various TLD options, their lists are not as extensive as ours.
  2. Our domain checker shows you different online platforms and websites where you can purchase the domain of your choice. When you check the domain on platforms like Namecheap and GoDaddy, it simply shows you the purchasing options on that particular platform. However, with our tool, you will be able to see the different sites and platforms where the domain is available. This creates flexibility and convenience in the buying process.

Understanding Our Domain Check Tool and Its Features

How To Use Our Domain Checker Online

Here is a brief guide on how you can use our domain name search tool:

  • To get started, open our tool at the URL: https://dnschecker.org/search-domain-name-checker.php
  • Click on the input field and enter the domain name that you want to check.
  • Click on the “Check Now” button to start the process.
  • Once the look-up is complete, our tool will list the domain name(s) below the box, along with their respective statuses.
  • If a domain is marked Available, you can click on it to see the various platforms where it can be purchased.
  • If a domain is marked Taken, you can click on it to view the “WHOIS” data. The WHOIS data contains information about the domain’s registration, such as when it was registered, the server of the registrar, and so forth.
  • If a domain is marked Potentially Available, you can also click on it to view the buying options, although they will generally be fewer in number as compared to the Available domain names.

What is the Meaning of “Taken,” “Available,” and “Potentially Available?”

Here are the meanings of the various domain statuses shown by our tool:

  • Taken: This status means that the domain has been bought and registered by a party. In most cases, a website is also active on the domain.
  • Available: This status means that the domain is available to be purchased and registered on online platforms such as GoDaddy and Namecheap. Available domains are the ones that haven’t been purchased or registered since they were made available.
  • Potentially Available: This status means that the domain has been bought and registered before, but it is now available because the registration has expired or been canceled.


How much does domain registration cost?

Domain registration can cost differently depending on the domain name and the TLD. Some TLDs are more expensive than others. For example, the domain “.io” or “.ai” can be more expensive than the standard “.com” or “.net”

The average cost for domain registration is around $10 to $20 a year.

Can I take the domain that has been registered by someone else?

No, you cannot take a domain that has been registered by someone else. You can buy it only if the registration expires or if the registrar cancels it.

What is the difference between domain and hosting?

The domain is the actual hostname of the website that is used to access it online. When you purchase the “domain,” you essentially register a hostname to represent your website.

On the other hand, “hosting” refers to “web hosting,” which is a service necessary for operating a website on the Internet. By purchasing “hosting,” you can host your website on a server so that it can be accessed by other users on the internet. “Shared hosting,” for example, refers to the service in which multiple websites are hosted on one server. This type of hosting is commonly used because it is inexpensive.

What to do before purchasing a domain?

Before you purchase a domain, you first need to make sure that it is available for registration. After that, make sure that the fees for the registration are in your budget, and that the domain TLD is according to your needs and requirements. It is also advisable to check the domain to make sure that it is not in any online blacklist. You can use an online IP/domain blacklist checker for this purpose. (If a domain is blacklisted, it can become inaccessible to users. Any outgoing emails from it can get rejected or quarantined by email clients.)